New releases for jQuery and WordPress

Two new jQuery plugin caught my eye recently and I wanted to take a moment to share.

The jQuery Database plugin takes your HTML tables and allows you to write a query against them similar to MS- or mySQL. I haven’t had a chance to play with this yet, but I can see some potential benefits of bringing some data client side and not having to make a round trip back to the server. Very neat concept.

The jQuery LinkSelect plugin tries to make working in small areas with <select> elements easier. I tried it in FF3, IE6, IE7, and Chrome without any errors. I’m going to take a look around a few of my apps today to see where I could fit it in.

WordPress has some new features too…

The latest version of the Akismet plugin for WordPress added an Akismet Stats features to my WordPress dashboards. I’ve always wondered how much spam I’ve been getting over time and this new feature lays it out for me in pretty graphs. It’s almost disheartening to think about what my site would look like with Akismet installed.