The gMail outage of yesterday and today was appearently enough to hit the front page of Slashdot again. I didn’t see a big rush of traffic like last time, just a few trickling in. My gMail survival tips still apply. Hopefully it wasn’t as bad for you as this guy.
This is how I roll
Latency Tracker: PHP/mySQL tracking for WordPress
I’ve had some online friends complain lately that the speed of their WordPress install seems fast one day, slow the next, and mediocre the next. To give them some concrete data, I created the LatencyTracker plugin for WordPress. This really simple plugin hooks into your wp_footer function (so make sure that your theme uses it) to count the number of queries, how long they took, how much memory was use, and when it all occurred. That way, they can show some solid data to the host so that they are able to compare numbers and know for sure that their load times are faster or slower when compared.
- Download the zip at the bottom of this post and extract somewhere memorable on your storage device.
- Upload the latency-tracker folder to your wp-content/plugins/ folder.
- Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to the plugins page.
- Activate the plugin
- Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to the plugins page.
- Deactivate the plugin. This will remove the table storing your data and remove the option info from your wp_options table.
- Delete the latency-tracker folder in your wp-content/plugins/ folder
- Which versions of WordPress have you tested it with?
WordPress 2.6+, 2.7+, 2.8+, 2.9+, 3.0+
- Will it work with my theme?
It should. Make sure that you footer.php in your theme folder includes a call to wp_footer(); or it won’t work. - This is stupid, it just stores data to a table and causes my site to slow down!
Sorry, it is my first WP plugin, and I’m trying to fill a very specific need, track PHP/mySQL response times. - My friends site is faster/slower then mine!
Each host is different. Mirror your site on another server for apples to apples comparison of the data.
Admin panel screen shots
Get the latest version from the WordPress Plugins directory.
CDBurnerXP Statistics [September 2008]
I’m proud to do my part in supporting free software.
This Month (September 2008)
425,285 requests using 771.41 GB of bandwidth.
Last Month (August 2008)
509,501 requests using 914.98 GB of bandwidth.
As always, you can learn more about this great CD burning software at their website,
Toshiba Satellite A205 DVDRW Driver Corruption
I turned my system on this morning to find that my DVDRW drive is not listed along with the other drives on my computer. A quick glance at the device manager showed a yellow exclamation point with the cheerful news that the driver was missing or corrupted. All of my attempts to reinstall the driver failed.
Google don’t let me down!
I finally came across these steps. After a quick registry edit and reboot, I was back in action. I recently installed Vista SP1, perhaps it had something to do with it.
1) Close all open programs
2) Click on Start, Run, and type REGEDIT and press Enter
3) Click on the plus signs (+) next to the following folders
* CurrentControlSet
* Control
* Class
* {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
4) This folder is the DVD/CD-ROM Drive Class Description in the registry. Look for any of the following names in the right hand column.
* UpperFilters
* LowerFilters
* UpperFilters.bak
* LowerFilters.bak
5) If any of the above keys shown in step 4 are listed, right-click on them and choose Delete
6) After deleting the keys, close the Registry Editor
7) Reboot your computer and confirm that the drive is listed