Yes, I’m actually using all of these at the same time.
Category Archives: Humor
FF3 about:config dire warning
Mischief in the mountains
Office 2007 on Macbook?
Is Microsoft sending mixed signals by showing Office 2007(2008) on (what I assume) is a MacBook on There is just so many things wrong with that, I’m not sure where to start.
Some possible messages from this:
- Macs are better for students.
- Office 2008 is prettier on a Mac.
- Current PC laptops are ugly.
- We really do care about Apple and the Apple user base!
- …add your own (possibly conflicting) message in the comments.
Not that there is anything wrong with these conclusions individually. Taken together though, from Microsoft, just seems strange.
Hat tip to Scott Hanselman for the find
That is so Photoshopped!
In a situation of life imitating art, it has been shown that the Iranians photoshopped a picture of recent missileĀ tests. This has, of course, sparked a fire storm on the web.
- Cowicide has shown us that the Iranians didn’t go far enough.
- Gizmodo gets in the act with another contest.
- Infamous photo fakes from the Chicago Tribune.
Good stuff for a Friday.