Shock and Awe

I hate when things go wrong. Working in IT, people remember when you screw up instead of all the times that things worked fine. This quote represents that ideal better then I can explain it.

If you really think about it, the fact that anything on a computer works is amazing. At a low level, magnets read and write ones and zeros on ridiculously fast rotating platters, and then are assembled into files, which then is stored in memory, which is then passed through a video card and converted into some format that can be displayed on a screen. Throw in networked computers and the potential for signal loss over long distances and the probability that something at some point in the process will fail, and the potential for failure increases exponentially. Maybe I’m alone, but I’m in awe of the fact that my computer doesn’t just randomly catch fire and explode.

Source: Cold. Hard. Credit Report.

Vista Survey

I received an email today inviting me to share my thoughts on Microsoft Vista. I recently called them and tried to move my Vista install over to another machine and they wouldn’t let me. Fine, I’ll fill out your damn survey while I seeth about your EULA.

Vista Survey Example 1

The survey took forever to load, but once it did, I filled it out to my satisfaction and clicked ‘submit’.

Vista Survey Example 2

Well that figures. Works about as well as Vista huh? Nice…


Considering purchasing one of the following?

  • Car
  • Computer
  • Software
  • Wife (I’m just kidding honey…)
  • Friends (No pointing fingers ya’ll)

Then you my friend have choices to make!

Pick two:

  1. Fast
  2. Reliable
  3. Cheap

Now pick one:

  1. Secure
  2. Usable

Good luck with that, and don’t blame me when your head explodes…