WordPress as a Contact Manager

WP as Contact ManagerIf you have WordPress already, you probably saw this in your dashboard. I highlight it here because I’ve been using WordPress as a CMS and site backend, and love to see it used for other things. The developers over at the Design Canopy have put together instructions on using WP as a contact manager. It looks fairly full featured with tagging, searching, relations, and as many custom fields as you need.

WordPress has got to be one of the most versatile FOSS packages today.

WordPress as a CMS

I’ve been working on a public website over these last few months and one of the issues I faced was what mechanism to use so that our users could edit the content of some of the pages. I’ve been using WordPress successfully for awhile now on this site, and it somehow popped into my head that I could also use WordPress as a CMS, not just a blogging system. I blogged a couple days about how to get an unordered list of posts from WP. Now for how to use WP as a link manager and content editor. Continue reading

How-To: Get an unordered list of posts from WP

This is a simple tip, mostly for myself, with hopes that it will help a future googler. To show the three most recent article titles from wordpress in a non-wordpress page, do the following:

index.php (non-wordpress PHP page)

<ul><?php include(“GetNews.php”); ?></ul>





Simple enough if you want to just show headlines with links to the post page.