idTabs Updated for jQuery

Sean Catchpole recently updated his idTabs plugin. I wrote about version 1 some time ago, but haven’t really looked at it since. Come to think of it, I should have subscribed to his RSS feed…done.

As jQuery.UI is still in beta and the tabs demo is broken, I didn’t want to jump into that yet (Rick has), just for a simple tab interface. Klaus has depreciated his tab plugin too in favor of jQuery.UI. The idTabs plugin made it too easy to plugin to my unordered list and it just works without lots of extraneous code.

Thanks Sean!

Windows XP SP3 installed easily

I installed WIndows XP SP3 onto a PC over the weekend through Windows Updates. Everything went smoothly with no problems. That has not been the case for every one, but you come to expect that with service packs. I’ll be testing the redistributable and ISO installs soon to see how they work. Although the release is tagged as final, make sure you backup critical data before installing.

This PC also happens to be the first one I’ve ever had to replace the CMOS battery on. Let me be the first to tell you what kind of crazy errors a system gets when it thinks it is the year 22098. iTunes and Firefox both crash hard.

Weekend with the kids

My wife took the kids to the zoo on Friday, we hit the beach on Saturday, and went horseback riding on Sunday. Whew! I’m exhausted at work this morning. Here are a couple of pictures from the fun, with more in the photo gallery.

Sarah and Alex with Johnny Depp

Sarah and Alex with Johnny Depp

Caitlin riding KD

Caitlin riding KD

Alex riding KD

Alex riding KD

Thanks again to my friends at Ranch K bar D for letting us come out and play with the horses. Their new baby horse, Missy, is a cutie!